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Poker players will travel to the ends of the Earth to find a great game, and sometimes they will literally do just that - shipping off to far-off locales where the poker chips are real clay and the stakes are usually high. To assist you plan the next "poker vacation" we've compiled a listing of a number of the finest poker cities on earth - each one of these chosen because of the available action there - and a commitment to the best card game in the known universe.

The Top bandar poker  Players

1. Las Vegas, Nevada. No surprises here. Las Vegas is, and likely always will sit atop the poker stratosphere. When you're home to the most effective players on earth, the most effective buying poker accessories, countless poker rooms that line the Las Vegas Strip...AND host the annual World Series of Poker you do not have to be concerned about relinquishing your number 1 position for quite some time.

2. Atlantic City, New Jersey. A quick drive from New York City, Atlantic City is home to a number of the largest Casinos in the world. With names like Trump and Harrah's rising above the skyline, it's obvious why the region draws countless gamblers every year (despite the rundown nature of the city itself). The web poker boom inspired several casinos to construct massive Texas Hold'Em rooms - which even yet in tough economic times remain filled by East Coasters looking for some real action.

3. Los Angeles, California. Just a hop skip and jump from the glitter of Hollywood exists a series of the very well-respected poker rooms in the United States. That's right, poker has arrived at Los Angeles, and thanks to Larry Flint's Hustler Casino, The Hollywood Park Poker Rooms and the Commerce Casino (and several more) serious players will never flunk of places to play after they've hit the beach.

4. New York, New York. You won't find many glittering casinos and poker rooms in the Big Apple, however if it's rough-and-tumble back room games you're looking for, you have come to the best place. Probably the most populated city on earth is also home to more poker games being held in the trunk of bodegas, record stores and bars than somewhere else in America. It is a throwback to the outlaw days of poker - and inspite of the Internet, Atlantic City and discount flights to Las Vegas, it never quite left.

5. Dublin, Ireland. Dublin was recently named the utmost effective bandar poker  in Europe by way of a panel of card-playing experts. In addition to being home to the Irish Open, one of the largest and most well-respected poker tournaments in Europe, it also has an abundant community of poker players living there. These poker-playing families have passed the overall game on from generation to generation - ensuring that the overall game will continue to flourish here for decades to come.

6. London, England. The United Kingdom takes a more laid-back method of gambling than other countries, and with this permissiveness has come a number of the finest luxury poker rooms in the world. London is a place to play high-stakes poker - and never having to be concerned about the authorities knocking your door down.